So in our church once you turn eight you have the choice to get baptized. My cousin turned eight on December 26 and just got baptized this weekend January 17. It's crazy that such a small short prayer can make such and impact on him and others. So his dad who holds the priesthood is the one that will baptize him and then he has two other witnesses outside of the water to make sure that he makes it all the way under the water! It's a lot more difficult for girls cause our hair likes to float out of the water so we would have to go down a second time! Luckly for me I had my hair braided back so I didn't have to worry about that! Anyways... When you are submerged into the water all of your sins are forgotten and then every sunday you take the sacrament to renew for covenants. Then after you get baptized you go get into your sunday clothes and come back out to receive the Holy ghost! You have your family members like grandpas, uncles,etc. Any guy that worthily holds the priesthood will get in a circle around one hand on your hand then one hand on another guys shoulder while your father gives you the Holy ghost as well as give you a little blessing! It was such a great experience I was thinking about when I got baptized and when I sat on that chair!!
Anyways! Sorry that I haven't put anything up here in a while!!